Hi Mei,

I really enjoyed reading your blog! I found your main point about how the sharing of resources has drastically impacted the education system in many ways. This was something I previously hadn’t given much thought about. I found it interesting to think through how different the education was a couple decades ago, compared to now. I feel it is safe to say that everyone is to some degree aware of the changes technology has brought to the education system, however I feel people (including myself) don’t often think/appreciate the smaller details that technology has brought. Like you mentioned in your blog, in todays world we are able to use search engines to look up almost anything we could need to know and we can email our professors with any questions and concerns, whereas before physical textbooks and assignments were used and we had to wait until the next lecture to speak to our professor.

I found your take on multimedia approaches significantly enhancing students comprehension of colour theory to be particularly fascinating. I never thought about this aspect and really enjoyed your example of how it can be used when explaining colour theory. There are dozens of videos and resources that can help visually show different colours blend and compliment each other, which can be very useful in elementary school settings. However, I still think it is important to have hands-on experiments for kids to participate and be physically involved in, but the addition of this resource can be significantly useful and I’m excited to see how multimedia resources continue to evolve.

Thanks for sharing,
